Welcome to my personal blog. This blog documents my adventures as a filmmaker, a traveler, and a lover of life. For the most part I have only updated my blog while traveling, typically in airplanes, hence the name I have given to this blog; "The Airplane Journals". My Twitter is @HemmingsHouse THIS BLOG IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO FOLLOW MY BLOG HERE: www.hemmingshousepictures.com
October 22nd, 2009
"Godspeed Mac Tonnies!"
I was saddened to hear that my friend Mac Tonnies, a legend in UFO research, died of natural causes, man he was so young, only 34. I read the news HERE
A while back we were shooting a series for Vision TV about the paranormal; one of the episodes was about life on other planets. You can read some of context earlier in my blog HERE
The host of this episode was UFO researcher and respected blogger Mac Tonnies. Man we had some great times on the road, he awkwardly fit in with the film crew just perfectly as us filmmakers are just as up in the stars as the UFO community are! Mac Tonnies introduced me to Twitter, I remember driving up to an astrological observatory atop a mountain outside
Check out some of Mac’s blog about our trip together HERE
Check out Mac’s blog about our time at the
Check out the video trailer for our show “Supernatural Investigator” with Mac as the “Life on Other Planets” expert HERE
Check out my friend Mike MacDonald’s blog about Mac’s passing, Mike was our director for the episode, check Mike's post about Mac HERE
Here's a link to Radio Misterioso. Paul Kimball,
Greg Bishop, and Nick Redfern remember Mac Tonnies.
Smart men talking about a wonderful guy.
Here are Mac’s internet homes:
Mac you made an imprint in my life buddy! I wish I kept the drawing we did together, I know you said you were going to hang it up in your apartment. Be at peace on the other side my man!
Mac and I both drew this picture on the paper table cloth of a random bar in Laramie, this was moments before the Jagger, Mac never drank alcohol, so he was very kind to drive us back to the hotel.
This was our Twin Peaks ballroom moment! Agent Cooper joined us for Cherry Pie soon after.
Meal together on the road somewhere outside Denver?
We made it to Haight Ashbury, Mike and I ended up in the bar asking folks where the Grateful Dead house was, but decided to just stay in the bar instead of continuing our search, Mac wondered the hippie mecca taking photos of the interesting people and places of the area.
Mac did not drink or smoke, but for the camera an unlit cigarette ended up in his mouth.
Mike MacDonald, Steve Outhitt, Mac and I.
I think this was Santa Ana California the night of our filming at the SETI institute.
Our fearless producer Jenn Adcock, me and Mac.
Please take the time to read some of the links I posted about this amazing guy. If you knew him please post links in the comments section.
October 15th, 2009
Sound Track:
Artist – Rheostatics
Song – “Claire”
Ahhhh, sweet Claire…that takes me back a few years, it must have been 1992 when the Paul Quarrington’s book “Whale Music” was made into a feature film. Of course all the Rheostatics fans of the world were stoked to find out that the Rheos would be recording the soundtrack for the movie. Of course the irony of this is that the Rheos released an album a few years previous named “Whale Music” in homage to the book! So yes the Rheostatics have two record releases by the same name! Two very different albums, and two very fantastic albums. “Clarify me, Clarify me Claire, C-L-A-I-R-E confide in me!”.
Here is a random question, how does the Rheostatics relate to Purolator Courier? Great question! A fantastic artist named Scott Guigze many years ago took a picture of me filming the Rheostatics at the Evolve Festival. It was a shot of my on the hybrid dolly filming Martin Tielli rocking on stage.
The photo ended up back in Scott’s art studio and many years later (6 months ago or so) a friend called me from Ottawa telling me that he saw an art piece at an exhibit and I was in it! I thought this to very cool, so I contacted Scott to see if I could buy it, he was very happy to send it to me, but now many moths later Purolator has closed the account because they lost the package…no compensation, just a “sorry we lost your piece of art, oh well!”. This isn’t the first time Purolator has boned me, I bought a DVCAM deck for $2500
Jessica, Kaiya and I are on yet another flight together across the country, travel is non stop. We just spent a few days in Van because Jessica had a medical conference and I tagged along to be a daddy sitter, have a couple meetings, seeing some friends and hitting the Vancouver Film Festival. I got to see my friend Raj Panikkar’s film, it was fantastic…I got to watch all of it with baby Kaiya until the last 10 minutes when a loud crash happened in the film and woke Kaiya up and she screamed. Ha ha, it was hilarious, no one in the theater knew there was a baby in the back row…I dashed out as fast as I could. I try to take Kaiya to as many things as I can, she made it through 2 hours of films at the Atlantic Film Festival the night they screened Papikatuk, she did great, I assumed she would here as well, she did pretty well however. My friend Emily Davidson joined me for that film, then joined me again later that night for the film festival closing night party, it was wild. My other great friends Erika and Miller (the models as they are known) joined us with one of their other actor friends, it was a night of Bollywood and red wine.
I love